Last Saturday Tom and I had a chance to join some other people from Shell on a scuba diving trip. I know, we don't know how to scuba but we went along to try a discovery scuba dive. Joe (our teacher) took us into a pool and started instructions. It wasn't too bad in my book until we came to one part that you have to exhale through your nose. For those of you that know me, know that I do not swim with my face in the water. I now know why! The only way I could exhale through my nose was to laugh and even that took some effort. In all fairness, exhaling through your nose is not an everyday thing you have to do in scuba, but it could be needed.

Then the real excitement came. He gave us wetsuits to put on and we were going to head to the ocean water to dive off the pier. For anyone that has never put on a wetsuit, it is an adventure in and of itself. I had such a hard time doing it. I think it had to do with all my fat and wrinkles trying to stall the process. Then Tom had the nerve after I got it on to ask me to stand and model it so he could take a picture of me. NO WAY!!!!!!. He did take a picture of me sitting down, but you are not going to see that picture on this blog. However, he did pose for a picture--I guess he isn't as sensitive about his body as I am about mine.

Then to the water. Let's just say I do not plan on getting certified. We get all the equipment on and into the water we go. HOWEVER, I could not keep my legs from floating up and kind of pushing my head back into the water. It didn't seem to mater what I did, they would float up. Joe would come and push them down and I would think, Ok, I am good now and we can move on. But up they would go. I was getting really frustrated. Finally I told Joe it was not working for me and I would just still on the pier and wait. I think he was relieved when I said that and he escorted me to the pier then Tom and another guy went out for the dive. Joe told us later that the reason my legs do that is because I was tensing up. He said he wanted to massage my legs so I would relax but thought that probably wouldn't go over very well. What can I say--I was nervous and no matter what I did my legs were going to float up. So now I'll just support Tom in his excitement in learning dive.
Monday, we got to finally go see our condo. I was so disappointed because the relocation/real estate team had told us that it was in really good shape and clean. WRONG. They had painted some of the walls in white flat paint (who does that?). They had missed painting some rooms and closets and the kitchen was dirty and needs some cleaning--I'm not sure of the bathrooms needs because it was dark because there was no electricity. BUT the views are amazing. Every room even the half bath, except the kitchen and full bathrooms have a wall of windows. We overlook the very expensive country club where we can see the polo field and the golf course from one side and from the other side we can see Global City and the American Military cemetery. That is what being on the 40th floor can do for you. They are both wonderful views. The kitchen has a large window but not a wall. We will return next Tuesday for a final walk through before we move in on Wednesday. They are suppose to have everything done by then. I'm sure that once we get our things there and pictures up we will be just fine. I'm feeling much better about it all today. Now just to get our shipment so that we can make it our place.
Goodbye for now from the Hidden Gem of the Pacific
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