So tonight I will be catching up on the past 3 days. Sunday we went to church. Christina Thayne from our ward in Magnolia was there since she has been here for a couple of weeks on a work assignment. Made my day! The ward is friendly, but I realized as I sat in RS that the only ones close to my age are the missionary couples serving there, the Area Presidency wives, and I'm told the Bishop and his wife (who I have not met) and another sister who is gone for the summer. There are a lots of babies and young children. That's fine, but I was hoping to find a friend I could do things with. Possibly not going to happen. Sadly the former RS president that we had met here in March and her family are moving next week. She cried when I talked to her and said she just wished we could be here at the same time. I agree--we really seemed to click. Even though she is younger I would say she is probably at least forty and no babies. We could have been good friends.
Launderette |
Yesterday I did our laundry since being here. Fortunately the hotel has a launderette and you have to go down to check in and buy tokens. I needed to do 3 loads so I figure that $10 should easily cover them however, when I got down there I found that it is $5.00 per load. $15 bucks a week to do 3 loads of laundry. Yuck. I guess I shouldn't complain because at least I don't have to do sheets and towels too. The laundry room has 3 washers and 3 dryers. It was so hot in there. There is a large fan but I could not get it to turn on so I sat outside the room at a table they have. I just kept trying to turn on the fan (I was determined it was going to work because I was so hot I was dripping sweat--GROSS). Finally after I got all the loads in the dryer I tried again and YES it worked! I was then able to sit on the couch in the laundry room and read in a breeze.
Today I pulled up my big girl panties and went to the mall and grocery shopping my myself. That's right I managed to do it all by myself! I am amazing--I know. Tom and I had discussed the easiest (and coolest) way to get there. However, there was one problem--the mall that I needed to walk through didn't open until 11:00. I could get in one end of the mall by the food areas but I could not get out to do the crossover walkway. Fortunately I only had to wait about 10 minutes or so. I made it there, no problem, but returning was more difficult because I couldn't get back the same way I went. Fortunately Tom and I have traveled several different ways coming back that I knew what I had to do. I just wanted the quickest way back because those grocery sacks were heavy. I didn't even care about the heat just get me back quickly. It took some courage on my part because I don't like to go out by myself in new places. I had to remind myself that I did London by myself so I could do this! Now do you understand why I think I am amazing? Hold on a minute, I need to pat myself on the back.
Goodbye for now from the Hidden Gem of the Pacific
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