Monday, May 26, 2008

Just to clarify...

MiCayla actually only got 90 words. I beat her!
97 words

Speed test

haha not really i only got 90 =)

And this was on a laptop...

95 words

Speed test

Boo ya grandma. :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Typing test

94 words

Speed test

Haha. I beat you both =)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ding, round 2!

Ok, I couldn't resist...

91 words

Speed test

Typing Test

This one's for Kira re: her blog post...

89 words


I'm not gonna lie though, I was a little surprised it was so low. I'll have to try it again some other time. I was confused about the pushing enter thing at the end of each window...I'm certain it's above 90! Stay tuned...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Elder Weston Kunz

As many of you know Weston is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints to Mexico City, Mexico south... Spanish speaking (just incase you had any doubts about the language he would be speaking). He is doing well. He will be coming home in early October. He was just transfered last week and is now opening a new area. He has a greeny companion from Canada who already spoke spanish because of his parents so it made life a little easier for Weston. He is just a short clip from his last letter.
"actually this area seems to be way good, we should baptize a lot here, because that is exactly the reason they sent us here. they want to make a new ward so they are doubleing the missionary efforts`s pretty cool. I guess other then that not a whole lot has happened yet, right now me and my companion live in kind of rough conditions just because we don`t have bed frames or and room to put anything, we just leave everything in our luggage because there is no where to put it all, we don`t even have enough places to sit down right now...hopefully they will get us the stuff shorty..however, the good thing is that now we have gas and don`t have to bath with an iron anymore like we had been dooing for the past 2 and a half months....good times"
As you can see Weston is doing well and we are very proud of him... In a humble sort of way :). Her are a few pictures from his mission so far
Weston back in MagnoliaWeston and his comp eating quesadillas!
Weston in front of the Palacio de Bellas Artes in the center of the city
Just a random pic he just took with a new tie and backpack

Thanks to Kira for coordinating our great new backdrop and design. Makes you feel like Texas, doesn't it? :)

Well there's a lot to update you on but we've been slow getting this all coordinated. My apologies...I started the blog and then never finished setting it all up. So thanks Kira for inspiring me to do better. 

Today mom and dad decided to spray the entire property (inside, outside, and pets) with this flea stuff that smells like cedar. Doesn't sound too bad, right? That is until it's in such high concentrate that your entire body smells like cedar and your lungs are burning...ugh! If this doesn't work, nothing will. Maybe we'll just have to have the house bombed by the pros cause the last set of those we did didn't work either. This stuff leaves an oily film on everything so it's all shiny...for better or for worse. Anyway, it's pretty gross.