We had a satellite broadcast for our Stake Conference today. I played the organ. Tom was conducting so we were having kind of a "kunz" show going on. It was a nice pleasant Sunday. Tom was with us the entire day and Mauren came out and joined us for conference and dinner. We got to visit with Weston & Kelsi and Garen on skype and just kind of had a easy day of it. I also watched a Hallmark Valentine movie. I realize it was the super bowl, but we actually only watch the last minute of the game to see who won. I didn't really care who won anyway, so oh well.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
February 6th
Today is Sunday once again. Usually I would post a memory picture to fill in the lack of a picture but today I have decided not to load any pictures. Maybe tomorrow I can come up with something but I'm not sure what.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
February 5th
Because of the weather the basketball game was postpone from yesterday to today. We played Spring Woods. We started out pretty sad, but came back to win them by 16. 
Tonight (or should I say today--the game was at 1:00) was also Senior Night. We only have three seniors, so we put together some nice baskets for them and the girls presented it to them. As you can see they were really nice baskets. Next year there could be as many as 8 seniors, so I'm sure the baskets won't be quite as nice.

Today and tomorrow is stake conference. The Saturday night adult session was really nice. Tom's talk was great and I got to participate in the choir. Afterwards we went out to dinner with the rest of the stake presidency. When we walked into the restaurant a lady that was sitting at our table with Nena Rawson came over and hugged me. When I first walked in I thought she looked a little familiar, but didn't think any more about it, but when she hugged me she asked if I remembered her from the financial aid office at BYU where I worked. She was one of my co-workers, Becky Bluth, that I have not seen for 30 years. Small world!

Friday, February 4, 2011
February 4th
Finally a day noteworthy of pictures. It actually snowed at our house. Tyson and Mauren said that neither of them got snow, but just ice and rain (slush).
Chase didn't even sleep in (though he could because they had already cancelled school expecting the snow). He ran downstairs in his pajamas and slippers to check it all out and soon realized that he needed more than just a coat outside so he came in and got gloves and hat and scarf. This little snowman (about 8" tall) he made on the back of his car. He was so excited he kept coming in looking for more things to finish him up.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
February 3rd
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February 2nd
What a day! We lost power this morning around 7:00 (fortunately we have a generator, so we were fine). But all of Magnolia lost it so Chase and MiCayla were at school sitting in the commons area waiting for it to come back on. They kept texting me telling me what was going on and trying to convince me that they should come home. Finally when they didn't have power at 10:00 and were basically sitting around still I called the school and had them released. But I forgot to take a picture today. I guess I could have taken one of Tom and I outside trying to get the well to run right (something got frozen and it was struggling) we were freezing and the wind was blowing--not a fun time.
Then MiCayla has outgrown most of her jeans and begged me since she had time to run to the store to get her a new pair. I needed to get some fabric for a project I had to have done by Friday so we took off for a couple of hours in the cold. Their were power rolls going all over the state. When we got to Sam's Club they wouldn't let us in because they had just lost power again. It was definitely an interesting today.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February 1st
It was Parent's night at MiCayla's basketball game against Stratford. Tom was in charge of taking pictures, but we were able to get someone to take a quick one of us. We have met a lot of great parents from basketball and will miss seeing them often since basketball will be over next week then on to track.
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