It was another basketball night. Last night we played Brenham. Chase's team was in Brenham and lost by 25 points. MiCayla was at home. They took it into overtime but in the end we lost by 12 points. We had 3 of our strong players fouled out in the 4th qtr. or the very beginning of overtime. That left MiCayla to play point, something she rarely does, and she was already struggling. The coach made her feel like the game was all up to her (she really seems to like to put her down) so MiCayla felt like it was all her fault that they lost, but it wasn't. There was so much going on on the floor and the refs not calling most of it. MiCayla went in for a layup and got slapped hard across the face and no foul called. Then the coach gets mad at her when she doesn't want to charge in again.
Such is life and the experiences that go with having a new coach that doesn't understand the tenderness of these impressionable girl's hearts. I told her this is in the past, it doesn't do any good to be angry because it just let's Satan in the door. She just needs to calm down, and reflect what she could learn from it.
It is sometimes difficult being the parent because you want the best for your child, but at the same time you want to understand that life is not always easy and that they need to learn from these hard times. I find I have spent a lot more time praying for them this basketball season than anytime before.